Timeline of Dhupma Plateau

Gulkula is connected with the actions of Ganbulapula. In his search for honey, Ganbulapula used his walking stick to hit trees and so disturb the bees. With his hand shielding his eyes from the sun as he looked up, Ganbulapula could see the tiny black bees hovering around their hive in the hollow of a tree.
In the Beginning.

The European Launcher Development Organisation (ELDO) constructed a tracking station for their space program on Dhupuma Plateau.
1966 - 1970

Dhupuma College was established on the Dhupuma Plateau. This was a private college which gave Yolngu people the opportunity to combine traditional culture and western education.
1972 - 1979

Gumatj saw mill operate processing local trees.
2012 - 2015

Gumatj Corporation secured an Exploration Lease over Dhupuma Plateau. Maiden drilling campaign is completed to determine the quality and quantity of bauxite on site.

Gulkula Mining obtained a Mining Lease for Dhupuma Plateau.
April 2017

Gulkula Mining commenced mining operations on Dhupuma Plateau.
September 2017

The first batch of bauxite ore is made available for purchase.
November 2017

The first shipment of bauxite is exported to China.
May 2018

Construction of Gulkula Nursery was completed.
June 2018

Rehabilitation at Gulkula Mine commences.
January 2019

Gulkula commences its first indigenous work readiness program.
March 2019
Gulkula presents their journey towards ASI certification at the ASI Implementation around session in Norway.
June 2019
Gulkula obtains Nursery & Garden Industry Australia Certification.
September 2019
Gulkula commences LNN training support for our indigenous employees.
Jan 2020

Gulkula obtains ASI Certification